Sometimes, life gives you a little nudge in the right direction when you least expect it. For me, that nudge came during a casual chat on the sidelines of a soccer game (#footballislife) with a friend and former Virgin colleague. That conversation turned out to be a pivotal moment for my business, shifting it from a tangled mess of tech and endless WordPress plugins into a simplified, intentional model that truly serves both me and my clients.
Let me set the scene. For years, I have been building WordPress websites for clients. WordPress is, without a doubt, a powerful platform, but it’s also a steep learning curve—especially for small business owners who are already stretched thin. I saw it time and again: clients would have the best intentions of starting a blog, getting found search engines, updating their content, sending newsletters, and engaging their audience. But life, as it so often does, got in the way.
Instead of being a tool that worked for them, their websites became a source of guilt—a beautiful but stagnant piece of their business they didn’t have time to grow, measure, or use effectively. And let’s not even get started on the endless plugin updates, security concerns, and the fear of breaking something every time they tried to make a change.
Then came that fateful soccer field chat. My friend mentioned she had just launched a new business and website. Naturally curious, I did a little stalking (as you do) and was blown away by her site. It was fresh, engaging, and didn’t look like every other cookie-cutter website out there. When I asked her what platform she used, she said, “WIX.”
I’ll admit it—I was shocked. Like many designers, I had dismissed WIX years ago as a beginner’s platform. Back in 2013, when I started my photography business (remember Trish Anderson Photography? #memorylane), I used WIX myself. It was great for getting started, but as I grew and learned about design, UX, SEO, and conversion rates, I moved to WordPress, thinking it was the “grown-up” choice.
But as I envied the simplicity and effectiveness of Emma’s website, I decided to take another look at WIX. What I discovered surprised me. WIX had evolved a lot. They now had a platform specifically for designers and agencies called WIX Studio. This wasn’t the WIX I remembered; it was a next-level design tool that allowed for custom, non-cookie-cutter websites with advanced features, intuitive user experience, and seamless marketing integration.
The more I explored WIX Studio, the more I realised it could solve so many of the challenges I’d been facing with WordPress. It was easier for clients to use, meaning they could update their blogs, tweak their content, and manage their sites without constant hand-holding. It offered advanced design capabilities so I could create unique, high-performing websites without compromising on creativity. And perhaps most importantly, it empowered small business owners to actually use their websites as a tool to grow their businesses, not just as a static placeholder online.

Making the switch to WIX Studio was a game-changer for my business. It allowed me to simplify my processes, focus on creating intentional designs, and provide my clients with websites that worked for them, not against them. No more endless plugin updates. No more fear of breaking the site. No more STEEP learning curve. Just beautifully designed, user-friendly websites that help businesses thrive.
The Takeaway
Sometimes, it takes a sliding door moment to realise there’s a better way. For me, that moment came on the sidelines of a soccer field, and it led to a complete transformation of my business. Switching to WIX Studio has not only simplified my life but also made a world of difference for my clients.
If you’re a small business owner feeling tangled in tech, overwhelmed by your website, or guilty about not updating your blog (we’ve all been there), let’s chat. At Digital Creative , we specialise in creating custom WIX Studio websites that are easy to use, visually stunning, and designed to help your business grow.
Ready to make your website work for you? Let’s make it happen.
P.S. oh, and if you are after an EPIC leadership program for your team, Check out: Emma and her team are amazing!