Homepage Hospitality: The purpose of a website homepage in 2022

Three pairs of pink sneakers worn by a parent and two children

I recently analysed some metrics on a client’s website that showed 70% of their visitors don’t scroll down the homepage when they land on the website. On a homepage with over 1m visitors a month, that’s 700,000 visitors who do not scroll down the page after they land on the homepage. For this particular client, […]

Feed the hungry beast! How website content helps your business grow online

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According to HubSpot, 47% of people view 3-5 pieces of website content before engaging in a brand’s sales process. It’s no wonder, then, that the content you deliver to your audience is an essential part of your online marketing strategy! This little thing called Content Marketing Content Marketing is the process of planning, creating and […]

Local Area SEO: How you can be found in your local area

Rebecca Farrow Elska Interiors

Local Area SEO Local area SEO can be overwhelming for small businesses. Researching your keywords, your audience and your competition, keeping your digital channels up to date (and optimised) and keeping up with the industry can all take precious time from running your business. We understand the need to enhance your digital channels in simple […]

What is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)? I’ve been told I need it!

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There are a lot of small businesses out there looking to find new and improved techniques that will make their lives easier. One such thing is SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimisation. People might not know the importance that SEO has in providing rankings on Google when people search for services provided by you […]

Stand out from the Crowd! Why you need a Brand Strategy for your business

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Small Businesses invest in their marketing and advertising to attract customers, but some ignore the importance of branding. Learn how it can make a difference for your brand today. Branding isn’t just for the big guys. Yes, some of the big guys have the best brands in the business but those brands weren’t developed by […]

Let’s talk Digital Marketing! What it is (and what it isn’t!)

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There’s definitely a buzz in the digital marketing world at the moment and it’s not going away any time soon. Particularly as the pandemic propelled businesses at warp speed into the online abyss. But do you know what Digital Marketing really is? And most importantly, what it really isn’t? Most people think digital marketing is […]